Do These 5 Daily Practices to Propel Peak Performance

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle

The key to peak performance is consistency. And, even the best consistently achieving-achievers of us out there need an extra boost with additional habit we can adopt. Building on positive psychology, sports psychology and mindfulness techniques, these are 5 practices I do each day to help get that extra edge. I’ve advised premier athletes to global CEOs and these practices have all helped them get a bit more from their consistent success to not only realize peak performance but maintain it and achieve more.

  1. Practice Positive Self Talk: This means reinforce your strengths and build yourself up. Get amped and continue to reinforce your inner confidence and grit.

  2. Visualize Clearly The Outcomes you Want: Have some key meetings or a critical path step or race? Visualize every moment, conversation, movement of what you know needs to happen. Imagining what you want helps built the pathway in your brain in advance, so it’s easier to achieve. And, if things don’t go well, this has already strengthened your resilience muscles to get back on track.

  3. Reflect: What is working and what isn’t? Spend some time bringing awareness to where you can grow, where you have gaps and overall, digesting what is happening in your life. This is a method of clearing your head, so you can focus on moving full speed towards success. Some like to journal, others just take a few minutes to digest.

  4. Meditate: Meditation is a way of truly clearing your brain. Resetting your brain and completely quieting it will help strengthen it so you can focus much more acutely on where you want to go and what you need to do, say, execute to get there.

  5. Set Intentions and Goals: What exactly do you want to achieve today? Write it down for a bonus accelerator. Those who write their goals down are statistically over 80% more likely to achieve them! Either way, if you don’t know what you’re headed towards, you aren’t as likely to get to that destination, so articulate your map for the day so you know exactly where you’re going and what you want to get out of it.