Renew with Goal Setting

Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.
— LL Cool J

This time of year, we all sit down and take some time for setting New Years Resolutions. Maybe we also set work goals. But do you write them down and make a plan, committing to achieve them? Time and time again, studies show that you're 80% or more statistically likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. 

Not only that, but if you craft a plan to commit to your goals, you're even more likely to achieve them. So why don't we? A study by Statistic Brain, analyzed New Year’s goals, and found that very few people achieve their goals. They claim that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals, with a resounded 92% that end up in failure. The study encouraged people to write down their goals in a specific, measurable way in order to achieve success.

Without further ado, welcome to the SMART method of goal setting! Follow this simple method and you're not only above average for writing your goals, but you'll be well on your way to achieve success. Here's what it's all about:

S: Specific. 
M: Measurable.
A: Attainable.
R: Relevant.
T: Time-Bound.

Here's how you can craft your own SMART goals to set you up on a path to progress this year:

1)    S - Specific: What is it that you want to achieve? Describe your goal in one to two sentences.

2)    M - Measurable: What is your measure of success? How will you know you've achieved your goal?

3)   A - Attainable: Can you realistically achieve your goal given your measure of success? What are some mid-way points you can highlight that can help keep you on track or break down your goal to ensure that you'll succeed? How can you hold yourself accountable to reaching your goal? Who are others that can help you?

4)   R - Relevant: Why is your goal important? How does it related to other objectives you may have (organizational or personal)? Why is now the time to work towards achieving this goal? How can you ensure that this aligns with other aspects of your work/life in order for you to achieve it?

5)   T - Time-Bound: When do you want to achieve your goal? When is it due? What is the deadline? (And what will you do to celebrate your achievements?!) 

Happy goal setting and achieving! Cheers to a new year and successful 2018.