How to Exercise Your Momentum Muscle: Take the Leap

If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
— Dale Carnegie

For months I’ve brainstormed post topics and toiled over which the first one should be. When I stopped worrying and started to write, I realized that taking the first step – just starting was the answer. The rest continued to come easily because I had just kick-started my momentum muscle. Though a small task, this kind of block can occur in all aspects of our personal and professional lives. We most often see it show up in big ways that create a lot of stress and setbacks. 

Several years ago there was a video that went viral, showing a man at the Sasquatch music festival dancing. He wasn’t holding anything back, even though he was on his own. He was fearless and kept moving. Over the next few minutes, a crowd slowly begins to form around him, dancing too. Watch the video here.

Whether you are stuck facing a small task or a big decision, take a small step forward - any step. If it's the "wrong" direction, well, then you've got that identified and now you can redirect. Yes, it is sometimes worth “sleeping on it” too. But, it is also important to make a concrete decision to revisit and advance after this calculated amount of time (ie, one night). Equally important is listening to whatever it is that is giving you pause. Is it fear? Dig deeper, but don’t dwell on it. Why are you afraid? How do you want to feel? This is valuable information which will guide you in moving in the right direction.

Dipping your toe in first can be scary, but it will give you positive momentum. Who knows, you may inspire a positive movement!

Try this to exercise your momentum muscle:

1)    Think of a time when you made a decision that you are really proud of, big or small.

2)    How did you make that decision? What did you do during your decision-making process?

3)    Think of a decision you are facing now. What can you apply from your successful decision-making in the past to the present? 

4)   What will you start doing today to move forward?